Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kantiq Fik

I trust you. Go with the flow. Yalla. I’ve learned to put the plan away and just go. So far this has served me well.

I think the reason I am so very fond of Khadija, my “host mom” in Ain Leuh is that she would take me by the hand and just drag me along with her. Anywhere, everywhere, anytime. I really didn’t understand where, when, why, how long, who, etc. at that time, since my language was in its infancy. I always tagged along anyway. And so glad I did. I learned more about Ain Leuh, met more people, participated (or usually just observed) in more celebrations, and saw more things than I ever would have if I had declined or hesitated. She opened her world to me and I am so thankful.

This approach has also worked for me here in Ribat El Kheir. Usually it is Fatima dragging me along. I don’t necessarily know where we’re going or why-but now it’s not due to a language barrier-I don't necessarily ask-I just go along. I’ve learned to trust that wherever she’s taking me is going to be a good experience for me. As a result, I’ve sat in more interesting meetings, met others that I am now working with, and become a part of the community-thru her including me in her interactions. God bless her parents.

Yesterday we went to Zaouiat. I arrived at the Coop and saw Souad there and thought we were meeting w/her there. Nope. Going to Zaouiat. Waxa. Yalla.

The new Taeawniya Asalah (weaving cooperative) in Zaouiat has set up in a new building and has 2 looms from the Ministry. Fatima was there to show them how to set them up. All the women came by. Had a chance to talk w/them-gave the new Treasurer the Arabic accounting sheets I’ve made. I also spoke with them about the opportunity they have to make zrbya (pile carpets) with the natural wool they card and spin from their own sheep-ymkn on a wool warp-and this would bring a premium price. Gonna talk w/another PCV who has a Coop doing the same and get their pricing. This would put the Taeawniya Asalah in a good position, as there are very few weavers making this all natural wool product in Morocco.

No respectable meeting or workshop is complete w/o couscous, so we sat down to the feast before I headed off to a late tutoring session w/Khalid in El Menzel (thanks to M’hamed for the ride). Got the last taxi (bus and nuql were all done) back to REK and had to negotiate my way into the village-love a good Arabic bargaining session. 30DH to get me home-would have paid more, but he didn’t have to know that!

Today was a good busta day. Big shout out to my dear friend Cindy, who seems to always know when to send a package or card. Just got Valentine’s from her. How did she know I was missing candy hearts? Cindy, you’re amazing and I’ll never forget your constant kindness.

I had another package at the busta today. Got my e-Reader back-thanks Jo for getting it shipped back. Oops, mushkil. Seems that Sony will allow me to purchase a bunch of books to download AFTER which they inform me that they’ve upgraded the software and they can’t be downloaded onto my version of e-Reader. Can either get a $50 trade in on purchasing a newer, more expensive version (and why would I do this? Mine is less than 1 year old and works fine thank you very much) or send in current e-Reader for software update. Choose to bring it to the states over Xmas, ship it out, have it sent back to Jo who then sends it to me. Just got it. With a note. My unit is not eligible for the update. Feels a lot like bait and switch to me. I’ve got about $50 of books on my computer that I can’t download onto my e-Reader and have to read off my laptop. Hello, why did you sell me an e-Reader that was going to be obsolete in less than 1 year? It doesn’t just work slower or not as well as newer versions. It doesn’t work AT ALL. Bah Humbug. Sony, you’ve lost a fan.

I guess since I’m on an electronics rant, I’ll head to Sefrou tomorrow to try and switch out my landline DSL for the new wifi that’s now available in REK. Tired of paying for a landline phone that I’ve never used and pay separately for DSL when I can just pay for the wifi modem. Also tired of any time we have wind or weather (in the mountains on a plateau-happens a lot) I can’t get rizzo. Inshallah this will help connectivity. Stay tuned.

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